tutorialbasic - papercraftplaza
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How to make a papercraft

File Types

Papercrafts come in different forms.
Here are the most common used file types and how to open them.

.pdf files are opened with Adobe Reader.
.pdo files are opened with pepakura Viewer/pepakura designer. (windows only)
.zip and .rar files are opened with WinRAR.

Once you opened and printed these files, you will have to cut the papercraft.
You can choose whatever works best for you. Cutting knife, scalpel, scissors,...


Once you have your parts it's time to glue it in place.
This is what the tabs on the side of your parts are for.
Glue them to the corresponding edge.


You might encounter these lines.
This indicates a valley fold. This means you will have to fold it upwards.
This indicates a valley fold. This means you will have to fold it Downwards.

You can obtain a perfect folded edge if you score the fold first.
Use a sharp object to dent a line in the paper.

You can also choose not to fold the edges exept the tabs to obtain a smooth effect on your papercraft

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